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Practice Management

Sustainability Apex Programme



For Sustainability - Jobs and Skills for the Accountancy Profession

Welcome to the Sustainability Apex Programme (we term it the “SAP” in short) – where the future of sustainability in the professional services sector takes center stage!

In this era where sustainability is in the spotlight, ISCA and the Law Society of Singapore (LSS) have joined forces to launch a groundbreaking initiative aimed at elevating the competitiveness of our professional services firms in the accounting and legal sector in realm of sustainability-related services. The SAP is a 3-year programme that aims to foster closer collaboration and exchanges, creating sustainability alliances that enable firms to cross-learn and engage in collaborative deal hunting. By bringing together the expertise of both accounting and legal professionals, we hope to amplify the impact of our collective efforts in promoting sustainability. This will foster a community of excellence to address the growing demand for a broader spectrum of sustainability-related services.



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