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ISCA Quality Management



About this Publication:

The ISCA Quality Management Toolkit serves to provide guidance to practitioners of SMPs in their implementation of the Singapore Standards on Quality Management (SSQMs). 

The toolkit comprises implementation help tips, possible risks, suggested policies and procedures, and forms, and is designed to provide firms with a guide to tailor and customise their system of quality management, in line with the requirements of SSQMs.

Important notices:

  • Practitioners are encouraged to attend ISCA Quality Management workshops to understand the use of the Toolkit.

  • This publication is intended as an illustrative guide rather than a definitive statement.

  • The policies and procedures in this publication are not meant to be exhaustive. Reference should be made to the relevant standards and regulations.

  • This publication should not be relied upon as a substitute for seeking professional advice concerning the appropriate policies and procedures for specific individual situations or ensuring compliance with SSQMs.

  • By adopting this publication, the auditing professional has agreed to the Terms of Use of this publication


ISCA Quality Management Toolkit is available to all ISCA members